Friday, April 16, 2010

Doing a Komik Strip: Part 2 (What now...?)

"To be a person is to have a story to tell." —Isak Dinesen

So why can't i think of a story? Am i real person? Saying you'll do a komik strip is one thing. Actually doing it, is a huge pain. Been mulling about what story to tell for the past few days. Super heroes? Monsters? Ninjas? Vikings? Fish? Toe nails? Rene Requiestas?

Need to set a goal. This weekend i will put pencil to paper & actually have something resembling progress to post.

Come on brain! Work! It's only a komik strip... be continued in part 3.

Back to part 1.


derekamalo said...

hey bro check my work out woop woop

Unknown said...

nice stuff! :)