Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Komik Events - Past & Future

DELAYED REACTION: Komikon 2010 was crazy! the place was packed! and of course the debut issue of The QBCCC finally came out! seeing it as an actual half-A4-photo-copied-komik was a bitter sweet moment. Josel, Mervs & all the contributors, congratulations to all of us! WE WANT REVIEWS!!!

Very much enjoyed my first time participating, albeit as a squatter. had a great time hanging out at the table while selling stuff (Josel Nicolas, Tilde Acuña & Carljoe Javier many thanks!). met some of the QBCCC contributors. got some komiks, not as plenty as before but got some really quality stuff. got a shirt (thanks Mervs!). got sick afterwards. fun!

Still not finished reading some of the stuff i got, but here are the good stuff so far:
- The El Bimbo Variations by Adam David
- Windmills 3 by Josel Nicolas
- Askals & Noisy Blood by Dodo Dayao & Bong Leal
- WIP vol.1 by Hub Pacheco & Teddy Pavon
- School Run 3 by Macoy

Check out some of the other komik / semi-komik events happening before the year ends:

Sputoniku No Koibito!!!

The El Bimbo Variations & The Kobayashi Maru of Love are both wonderful books. buy them & meet the guys who wrote them. buy Josels Windmills too! copies of the QBCCC will probably be available for sale here as well.

Better Living Through Xeroxography

Plenty of books, komix, zines & other stuff for sale made by very very talented people. the QB crew will be here.

Will try compiling & publishing my dumb strips in time for the Xeroxography event. need to add more strips tho. so many things to do, so little time...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Singil (Revised & Finished)

Two days to go before Komikon & we are finally (!!!) finished with the 1st volume of The QBCCC. of to the printers we go!

Did some last minute changes to my contribution (thanks to Adam & Josel for their inputs). mah 1st komix story is done. me. happy. yey.

here is a preview of the first page...

Singil is a 9 page, wordless / silent, crime story viewed in the first person. will post the original draft soon. buy the komix first! :)

Komik releases at the Kon...
- from Macoy's blog
- from Mr. Gerry A.'s blog

Monday, November 8, 2010


Volume 1 is now divided into 2 zines! we have new people on board as well. here are the covers (both by Mervin Malonzo)...

the pink / blue logo on the cover is actually a dust jacket / bookmark that comes with the book. so yey free bookmark!

only 5 days to go before Komikon... still need to do final revisions for my story.